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Learn ways to resolve conflict with customers and co-workers, influence successful outcomes and develop a peaceful workplace.   Transform conflict and difficult situations, people/customers into opportunities by equipping your staff with the skills and techniques required to manage these situations with confidence, professionalism and pride.  We have all experienced the stress that comes from having unresolved conflicts with our customers and co-workers.  Conflicts that are ignored or resolved poorly don’t go away, they cause people to feel resentful and to avoid each other. The effects on the business are a loss of productivity, turnover and absenteeism.  Wherever two or more people come together, there is bound to be conflict.  This workshop will give participants a six-step process that they can use and modify to resolve conflicts of any size. Participants will also learn crucial conflict resolution skills, including dealing with anger and using the Agreement Frame.

Learning Outcomes

  • Transform conflict into opportunity
  • Develop constructive strategies for dealing with difficult behavior
  • Develop communication skills to diffuse the situation
  • Increase confidence and assertiveness in dealing with difficult behaviour
  • Manage your emotions and deal with stress
  • Understand the power of words and how to use them to your advantage

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Course Descriptor

Category Dealing with Difficult People
Prerequisite None
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Start Date Finish Date Sessions Location Price
Thu 27/03/2025 Thu 27/03/2025
Thu 27/03/2025, 8:30 am to 5:00 pm
$ 695.00
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