or 09 973 4319
Learn how to make the transition from buddy to boss and lead a successful team. Managing staff can be a very rewarding, interesting and fun role,...
As John F Kennedy once said, “Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other”. Our Leadership & Management courses are designed to...
Leaders today are expected to be the driving force of their teams. They are constantly under pressure to lead effectively in a business environment...
Learn ways to resolve conflict with customers and co-workers, influence successful outcomes and develop a peaceful workplace. Transform conflict...
A fantastic one day course designed to get staff communicating professionally and confidently with customers over the telephone, face-to-face and...
NEED TO INCREASE STAFF PRODUCTIVITY? You've all heard the expression 'Time is money' Well actually time is more valuable than money because...
Customised training that suits your needs Our hands-on solutions provide proven strategies to get your team on the same page and your business on...
START SELLING MORE TODAY AND EVERYDAY Although the definition of a sale is simple enough, the process of turning someone into a buyer can be...
Let us show you and your organisation how to maximise the return on your training investment. How to get learners to implement the tools and...
Delivering customer service excellence in a healthcare setting comes with a unique set of challenges and opportunites. Patients frequently suffer...
How to win business over the telephone... A good telephone manner is obvious but there's a lot more to it than just remembering to smile. The...
Unleash your teams power and potential! Learn how to build a high performing, collaborative and cohesive team! Successful organisations today know...